Anal Fistula Treatment in Homeopathy

A fistula is an abnormal connection between two parts of the body. Fistula can be of three type anal fistula, obstetric fistula or arteriovenous fistula.

Anal fistula or anal abscess is a pus-filled cavity near the anus or rectum. This mainly occurs due to acute infection in the internal glands of the anus. Ano-rectal pain, swelling, perianal cellulitis, and fever are among the common symptoms. Drainage in the form of pus, rectal bleeding, and/or painful urination may occur simultaneously.

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Obstetric fistula, also called rectovaginal fistula, is a hole between vagina and rectum caused by prolonged obstructed labor. Other causes are Crohn’s disease, radiation treatment and/or surgery in the pelvic area. Women suffer incontinence of urine or feces or both. There is an accompanying pain involved. Other symptoms include foul-smelling vaginal discharge and recurrent urinary tract infections.


Read more: Anal Fistula Treatment in Homeopathy


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